
We have the highest accredited and formally trained associates in hypnotherapy in California!

The Hypnotherapy Centers is a member of good standing of the American Hypnosis Association


The Hypnotherapy Centers associates are covered by the AFL-CIO and we are insured


The Hypnotherapy Centers associates are covered by the HYPNOTHERAPIST UNION LOCAL 472

THE Hypnotherapy Centers 



When you become a part of the Hypnotherapy 4 kids family we ensure that you and your family will feel safe and confident your child and teen will be in good hands.  Hypnotherapy 4 Kids is a division within our Hypnotherapy Centers hypnosis, counseling and coaching practice. Since inception, Hypnotherapy 4 Kids was a success and has become a strong resource in the San Fernando Valley and Westside of Los Angeles location as a alternative choice  for all your child's needs for emotional, physical,  medical hypnotic, or coach ing/therapeutic attention, Our therapy get's to the root of the problem. Compared to Psychologist and Psychiatrists a more direct method using the subconscious and unconscious strengths which overpower why we are they way we function, behave and store  "stuff" in our mind  with the lack of ability to self-resolve or release which can throw an imbalance in how we think, function, behave, and what we become when our cognitive is  slightly imbalanced, associated with disorder's or  a mental illness state.  Today's child endures stress and trauma  from a young age  due to the environment and elder beliefs and system the child is exposed to. Our CH.t credentials in Hypnotherapy  ensures the finest in Hypnotherapy education with rigorous studies, research, and strong intern requirements working with clients directly so when involved in private practice, our therapists are highly qualified to work with you and your child due to this form of education alone which  a CH.t's required education not obtained just paying a association for the credential or overlapping certifications, or cheap certificate from online.  We offer you our security your choice in our California Hypnotherapy practices stands a part as we use contemporary and educated approach which is strongly based on rapport with your child beginning with hello so we can achieve a path to the root of the problem instead of step- talk therapy which pulls information and brings out more stress or anxiety in your child with  less rapport  with your child and no direct solution is achieved from most sessions as the focal is not with the subconscious  and release during each session. Along with education in hypnosis, health, psychology, ,and medical specific topics  certified or through direct experience and research you and your family will receive a professional approach to your child's conflict, disorder, or behavior issue.  

We offer your child our attention and the ability to understand without conflict and judgement. We find the root from the symptoms and work on elimination of the pain both emotional and physical. Creating this rapport, your child will not feel further frustrated attending therapy.  The rapport creates more successful results and a stronger future as we work each visit to release the stress , issue or conflict at hand by utilizing their individual subconscious which is where our "stuff" and the negative past, thoughts and inabilities of current time are held until released paving way for advancement to release, re-learn, rethink, and allowing the body through the mind to push the negative elements away with the new positive releasing attitude, mindset and all levels of physical pain .

 Our old school style of working with your child as if our own creates this rapport of achievement. and modalities involving hypnosis is also used which is safe and highly effective. Hypnosis is one of the oldest and most effective ways to naturally work with your childs subconscious through specialized sessions using their own relatable therapist and working on your child or teen's level with  strong dual communication, teaching them wellness especially related to their conflict, using high moral standards and methods to solve. Our therapy along with hypnosis and NLP, offer an alternative to psychological, clinical, and drug treatment methods .  We get to know your child and work out the "Stuff" stored in your child's mind and help them release  through our methods  which are non-evasive, drug free, no machines or interrigation style talk therapy.  During the 1st session instead of just talking and leaving excess anxiety up in the air for the next session as in traditional therapy your child will experience results.  

Our associates of highly professional , educated therapist specializing in specific care areas. We do not work with everything we are capable of correcting . Will offer you as a parent resolution through our specialization of roots and symptoms. With our mindfulness and wellness approach, your  child  will also learn more knowledge about their future,  themselves, the body and mind. We work with  common physical and emotional issues and conflicts including a number of mental health disorders  such as memory,  depression, ADD, PTSD, OCD,  ADHD and provide a neutral ground to individuals, families, and couples. 

Our Treatment Focus

Our focus is to help individuals heal, energize, and become aware of their inner strengths. We achieve this by providing a neutral safe space, listening to your concerns, and customizing a treatment plan. 

Our Patient Promise

We promise to be there for you every step of your journey. Our goal is to help you grow from your struggles, heal from your pain, and move forward to where you want to be in your life. 


ABOUT OUR FOUNDER JESSICA DAWN RUSSELL CH.t and SEPARATE MA in Imagery and NLP with over 20 hi-level certifications


Jessica Dawn Russell CH.t is the founder of The Hypnotherapy Centers which is owner of Hypnotherapy for Kids AKA Hypnotherapy 4 Kids. Jessica Is known as a top hypnotherapist in the USA, Jessica studied psychology and anthropology until she took a total detour into the business world and became on owner of various companies. Eventually going back to the health and wellness industry, Jessica understood as a philanthropist and one who started with exposure to giving in honor of her mother Jessica would become involved working with kids and teens and study specialized medical, illness, pain and mental disorders . Jessica, an entrepreneur and  researcher needed to help people again, became a life coach, and returned to study in the areas of psychology, mindfulness and hypnosis and became a Ch.t. Jessica graduated from HMI the finest learning institution in hypnosis and hypnotherapy in the USA. Jessica a graduate with honors and recipient for achievement had a higher percentage over all of pro -bono  hours and conflicts explored well above the required curriculum for graduation. Half of the clients were children and teens.

  Hypnotherapy Centers and our division Hypnotherapy for Kids became a top hypnotherapy office in the USA incorporating life-coaching and integrative therapies including: hypnosis, hypnotherapy,  NLP (neuro-linguistic programming),  Imagery  teaching how the mind -body  has connection to each persons emotional and physical mental  health .

 Jessica also has  over 20  advanced training certifications, practitioner or Master credentials from the finest accredited educators, training and certification institutions  in modalities, psychological, medical, mental, and integrative studies such as:

Ericksonian Psychotherapy and Hypnosis

Clinical Trauma Specialist            EMDR               EFT and TFT (tapping) (Master)

Professional Counseling in Greif and Bereavement 

Imagery (Master)

Male Oncofertility               Fertility

Sexology (sex therapy)

Cancer and Hypnosis

Panic and Anxiety

PTSD          ADHD and ADD


Substance Abuse and Mental Intervention 

Mental Illness and disorders ( exclusive and private certification training)

Advanced Clinical Case History and Research 

Hypnosis and Pain

Acute and Chronic Pain (Psychology) 

Hypnosis and Weight Loss 

Hypnosis and Smoking Cessation 

Trauma and Recovery Hypnosis 

Sports Performance and Hypnotherapy          Sports Injury

MER (Mental Emotional Release)               Mindfulness and Hypnosis

NLP Master Practitioner

Transgender -LBQT Certification

Our associates and referral services

All of our associates are credentialed with CH.t's in hypnotherapy. CH.t's receive the only rigorous and formal training in hypnosis and hypnotherapy and  is the only accredited training program. Through Jessica, a small group of associates work in-house  in a caring and safe environment for all genders. We work alongside other psychologists as if we work through referral with their client and the focus is on hypnosis. We are not in conflict or in competition with their services. 


TESTIMONIALS (each testimonial posted with approval)

Rebekah B.

I am a single mom  raising my 14 year old son. I could not help him. His behavior was at his worst. I needed help. Jessica worked with ***** and he turned his life around and I have my loving son back and he is doing better in school. Thanks to Jessica

David and Anat

We were divorcing and as parents our lives were out of control. We were very concerned about our 6 year old son. He was not sleeping and he was filled with anxiety.  ****** looked forward to seeing Jessica every week and helped us through our divorce and our son transitioned well as his therapist was a coach and friend in the eyes of our son. 

Richard K.

When my daughter was 8 she lost her mother to cancer. My daughter at 12 became depressed and angry. I brought her to Hypnotherapy Centers to see Jessica. With compassion and care Jessica worked with ********, eased her emotional pain, taught her about life, love and passing and taught me how to be a better father.

Mojgan P.

I had hypnosis and wanted help with my daughter for her stress and anxiety. I took her to Hypnotherapy For Kids and my daughter started sleeping well and was happy again. Thank You 

Peter and Alice

My wife and I took my 15 year old to Jessica. We were having difficulty with attitude and behavior at school. We took our daughter for therapy with Jessica and not only did she turn around and do well in school, she is now talking about becoming a therapist!


I have 5 children from ages 2-8. I took my 8 year old to see Jessica usually bringing all my children. Jessica was a blessing. She not only helped my son with his nervous behavior she allowed us to stay and wait, and so I did no have to unload all kids, she walked my son to the parking lot after sessions. Jessica also included all my kids at gift month and made all of us feel welcome. Very good hypnotherapist and human being.


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CALL HYPNOTHERAPY 4 KIDS (310) 844-1024 or (818) 796-4422

Hypnotherapy 4 Kids and Teens gives parents a free consultation call for stress and depression.

Stress, Depression & Anxiety

Stress, anxiety and depression are of the most common and uncomfortable emotions that we can experience at some point in our lives. When your child experiences these symptoms especially depression, attention should be noted and exercise your free 20 min. consultation call or schedule a visit for a session. Stress , Anxiety  and Depression are related and in a large percentage,  attention should be on top of your list  as children  and teens do not always have positive resolution if the symptoms and actions are ignored. Visiting your child's general practitioner or psychologist for diagnosis if clinical depression  is suspected. We can  guide you through hypnotherapy and counseling but hypnotherapists don't diagnose. Through  our alternative counseling   we are here to assist in resolution of alternatives. We are able to help you recover motivation and perspective at this stressful time as a parent. We do offer a alternative which studies show these conflicts and disorders are  highly correctable  with hypnotherapy. 



More and more children are  experiencing more symptoms associated with painful and traumatic circumstances when they suffer from ADHD, PTS, PTSD and most mental disorders.  Anxiety, fear, hopelessness and instant regression during a episode or flashback. There are a few emotions that can linger post traumatic events. We can help you overcome these symptoms with your child and guide you through the process of their grief and healing. 

Hypnotherpy has high success rate in long term results in emotional and physical strategies in dealing with achieving calm and resolving thoughts, focus and memories in the past to move forward in the future. Call us for your free 20 min. consultation regarding your child's disorder or symptoms. (310) 844-1024




Relationship counseling can be beneficial to KIDS AND TEENS who are looking to strengthen their emotional connection, in all stages of their relationships. Therapy sessions are often "coaching style: to discuss issues and solutions then cold therapy. We assist in divorce, single parenting, gender identity, addiction, love, grief and loss and anger. We also offer sessions and programs in communication and life skills to better strengthen your relationship.   We have special group support and coaching style programs throughout the year in affiliation with Kool Kids for older kids and teens.  

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Beverly Hills, Encino and Tarzana, California, United States

(310) 844-1024 OR (818) 796-4422


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09:00 am – 08:00 pm

Mon-Thursday: 9:00 am - 8:00 pm
Closed Sunday